I was fortunate to meet the SAM Labs team at the BETT Show earlier this year. Seeing the power of this technology immediately had me thinking of the possibilities this amazing resource could have in my classroom to drive student creativity and innovation.
10 Making Activities For The Classroom That Don’t Break The Budget
I am a big advocate for embedding a maker culture in my classroom to deepen students understanding of topics. With an interdisciplinary approach, making, tinkering, and STEAM activities enable our students to design and create a piece of work that is embodied by teamwork, problem solving, and critical thinking. Continue reading “10 Making Activities For The Classroom That Don’t Break The Budget”
Celebrating Christmas In The Classroom
It’s the most wonderful time of the year… almost! Christmas is nearly here and it’s a great time to start gathering ideas for activities and gifts. If you’re looking for fun and easy ways to celebrate Christmas with your students, then you have come to the right place. Read on to find out some of my favourite ways to celebrate Christmas in the classroom.
10 Hands-on Numeracy Ideas For Children
As a teacher of young children, I am aware of the huge benefits of students engaging in hands-on learning. In the early years, it is essential for children to have opportunities to engage in kinaesthetic learning where they can absorb themselves in activities and gain a comprehensive understanding of concepts. When teachers facilitate hands-on, kinaesthetic activities, they are creating engaging and exciting ways for children to master concepts and develop deeper understandings. Read on to find out 10 of my favourite hands-on numeracy ideas that I implement in my Prep classroom. Continue reading “10 Hands-on Numeracy Ideas For Children”
5 Literacy Bee-Bot Lesson Ideas For The Classroom
In this second installment of our Bee-Bot series we explore ways in which teachers can design creative learning experiences that integrate the Digital Technologies curriculum with English concepts to empower students’ to take ownership of their learning. Continue reading “5 Literacy Bee-Bot Lesson Ideas For The Classroom”
5 Mathematics Bee-Bot Lesson Ideas For The Classroom
Bee-Bots are a wonderful digital technologies resource to introduce students to coding and computational thinking. The small robot can remember a sequence of up to 40 commands, directing it to move forwards and backwards in 15 cm increments, and to turn 90 degrees left and right.
Continue reading “5 Mathematics Bee-Bot Lesson Ideas For The Classroom”
What Is A Makerspace?
What is a Makerspace?
A Makerspace can be any space in your school where students are able to come together to design, experiment, invent, craft and create. Makerspaces typically have a STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) focus, but can be tailored to apply to learning across all subject areas. Continue reading “What Is A Makerspace?”